Laptop Screen Goes Dim Then Bright

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Gateway screen flashes bright and dim. Usually the connection is one wire down the middle and their is another wire wrapped around it. You can try to do a soldering job with heat shrink material around it, but if you don't know the procedure, it can damage the laptop. Look at the charger and the amperage it needs as well as the voltage. Cannot disable annoying Auto dimming screen brightness? Hello, welcome to ASUS Republic of Gamers Official Forum. Please note you may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

  1. Laptop Screen Goes Dim Then Bright Lyrics
  2. Monitor Goes Dim
  3. Laptop Screen Goes Dim Then Bright Time

Hello yesterday i bought DELL Inspiron 15 (3542) win 8.1. And noticed that if charger is plugged on, screen becomes brighter, and after unplugging dimmer. Of course i tried adjust screen brightness, I've tried changing all power plan settings, changed advanced power settings to max. tryed go to bios but there was nothing about brightness. i tried use brightness buttons on keyboard no matter if charger is plugged in or not the bright bar is still set to full, however the bright difference still exist. the bright difference then charger is on are about 4%-6% . then i pull out the charger the screen becomes darken in few sec. and i noticed that after closing and opening the led(then computer is using only battery power) at the start screen is same bright as with charger plugged in. My sister have older Dell laptop(bought 4years ago) and for her the bright difference was about 50% but i repaired that through Bios. So how i can fix that uncomfortable issue?


9 Answers

The computer is designed to do that when it's unplugged. You can change the behavior if you don't like it. This link should have everything you need.

Jason EnochsJason Enochs

I know that this question is 2 years old, but this issue still pertains to this day, and might still be of relevance to some people. I'll be sharing a solution that I found. I'll guess that OP has a laptop with an AMD GPU/iGPU. Basically the graphics driver is causing the screen to dim. To fix this, right click your desktop, then (probably at the top of the menu), click 'AMD Catalyst Control Centre' Then, under 'Power', click 'PowerPlaytm'. Within the new menu that is brought up, look at the bottom where it says 'Enable Vari-Brighttm'. Untick it. Your problem should be solved, as was mine.

Johnson QuJohnson Qu

I have the same issue but I solved this, here is instruction,

  1. right click on desktop and click Graphics Properties.
  2. click power
  3. click on battery
  4. click maximum performance and apply and done.

you will see the display will 100% bright.

Thanks, Hilal

Hilal SalimHilal Salim

If you own a computer with amd graphics. You will have to disable 'vari-bright'

1)go to amd radeon settings2) go to advanced3) energy/battery-> disable vari-bright


Solved: click on battery icon at bottom of desktop, where time & date appears. after click go to more options on battery icon, then create your own plan by name PLAN 1 or PLAN 2 as you wish. then set all settings like battery, power and other option to NEVER. then click on next.

Now your laptop screen will not be dim if you unplug the charger.

1,5246 gold badges13 silver badges20 bronze badges

It's a very late answer but it could possibly help someone..

Laptop screen dimming and brightening

This is one of the complex problems which has irritated me for very long and I can guarantee that one who has not experienced the problem cannot understand it fully.

I first found this problem on my laptop (Dell 3543). The problem is when you start your laptop unplugged, the screen is very low in contrast and in addition to that the brightness changes dynamically based on the content it displays.

Some people call it Intel Display Power Saving Technology's Fault many confuse it with adaptive brightness but the real problem is related with the BIOS.

Few Working Solutions:-

  1. Uninstall Display Driver
  2. Update your BIOS

In my case however I re-installed an older bios from vendor.


This is a problem with the current graphics settings. Try this,

Right click on Desktop → Select graphics properties → click on Power → Under left hand top side select On Battery → Under Graphics power plansSelect Balanced Mode or Maximum Performance and Disable Display power Saving Technology.


Bikash BiswalBikash Biswal

I had the same problem. I am using hp pavilion notebook and for the operating system, I'm using windows 10. It basically happens because of graphics driver. I have Intel HD graphics card as a built-in graphics card. On the Desktop, Right Click and go to the Graphics Properties option. Then go to the power option. As my screen was getting dimmer when on battery, I chose On Battery menu from the left side. Then choose maximum performance and make sure you disable 'Display Power Saving Technology'. I think this option is causing the issue. It solves the problem for me. Hopefully yours too. :)

Optimized FaisalOptimized Faisal

I was looking for a solution for his also, for my laptop : TOSHIBA SATELLITE L50-B-14P running on Windows 10 Home. My laptop runs on an Intel HD Graphics 4400.

To resolve:

1) Go to Desktop

2) Right click on desktop

3) Select Graphics Properties (the Intel programme should boot up)

This Quick Start Guide outlines the steps to follow using SurvCE/SurvPC 4.05 or higher to setup and configure the BRx5 GNSS receiver as a base and rover. How to set up carlson base rover center.

4) Select Power from the icons presented

5) In the left column, select 'On Battery'


6) Ensure the setting is set to:- Maximum performance- DISABLE Power Saving Technology

7) Apply the setting, and see your screen bright up :)

Please note: your laptop run time might not be as long as it was in previous setting.

Note 2) If your intel HD control screen does not start at step 3, please ensure you have the same graphics card as me, and check if you have your drivers installed properly. Further, check intel website for the graphics control programme.

Patrick WindtPatrick Windt

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Windows 10 comes complete with a number of energy effecient options, however some of these leave may leave your screen brightness uncomfortably dark.

Here’s several ways to make the screen brighter.

How to disable automatic brightness adjustments

For computers with a light sensor, typically laptop computers, Windows 10 has the ability to automatically adjust the screen brightness depending on the ambient light levels.

This feature can be more annoying than helpful, either leaving your screen too dark or too frequently adjusting the brightness.

Laptop Screen Goes Dim Then Bright Lyrics

Here’s how to disable the automatic screen brightness feature:

  1. In the ‘Search the web and Windows’ box in the taskbar, type ‘brightness’
  2. From the list, click on ‘Turn auto brightness on or off’
  3. Turn the ‘Adjust my screen brightness automatically’ to ‘Off’

Monitor Goes Dim

 How to adjust screen brightness

  1. In the ‘Search the web and Windows’ box in the taskbar, type ‘brightness’
  2. From the list, click on ‘Adjust screen brightness’
  3. For the power plan you have selected (e.g. ‘Energy Saver’) click on ‘Change plan settings’
  4. If your computer has a battery, you will have a screen brightness option for when on battery as well as on power.
  5. Adjust each ‘Adjust plan brightness’ as required and click ‘Save changes’ to save your changes.

Use the monitors brightness settings

If neither of these options helped, you may need to adjust the brightness of your monitor using the adjustment options on the monitor.

Laptop Screen Goes Dim Then Bright Time

If you’re using a laptop computer, these are usually located on the keyboard under the F buttons (e.g. F1). You should seen an icon on the button which represents the screen brightness being more or less. You may also need to use the FN (function) button on the keyboard to use these buttons.

If you’re using a desktop computer, the buttons are normally located to the side of the monitor.