Can Your Doctor Report You For Drug Use

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  1. Can Your Doctor Report You For Drug Use Pdf
  2. How To Talk To Your Doctor About Drug Addiction
  3. Can Your Doctor Report You For Drug Use Video
Posted by3 years ago

May 14, 2016 - “Of all the people you would expect to understand addiction as a disease. Better education about substance abuse during medical training may help. News reports have chronicled the harm patients face at the hands of. Drug abuse of any kind can wreak havoc on an individual and family members. Determining whether to report drug abuse or whether to assist the addicted individual in seeking drug rehabilitation services can be a difficult choice to make. Law enforcement agencies primarily focus on drug sellers or pharmacies operating. Almost certainly not. I don't know where you line or what the laws are there. In general, doctors are not obligated to report anything to the police. We’re not in law enforcement; we are here to treat people’s health.


First of all, if you're situation is unique and your health/safety depends on you revealing this information, then do not hesitate. They cannot call the cops. EVER. And, if they ever did, you could sue the living daylights out of them.


What the Dr. can do is document your substance abuse history in your medical records, which then get submitted to your insurance agency. Your insurance agency can then use that information to deny payment or coverage for certain conditions/procedures. For example, if I tell my doc I use cocaine once a month, and then 15 years later I need a heart operation, I can easily be denied coverage by my insurer because I have used a controlled substance that is known by the medical community to cause heart problems with regular, long term usage.

But don't worry; if you trash your liver from drinking everyday, or your lungs from smoking your entire life, that's fine because those are legal for use. Your operation is covered (rolls eyes). So fucking dumb.

Some of you may disagree or have other points on this note, but this is a well documented thing. Medical marijuana patients are often denied organ transplants simply because they use mmj. Anyways, my mom has been a health care professional (RN, Case Manager) for 25 years and was telling me about it. This might not be true for all cases, but just something to consider. I would just refrain from mentioning use to your doctor unless the outcome of your condition/health really depends on that info. Otherwise it's not really their business.

Just looking out, have a nice night/day peeps.


A doctor has a legal responsibility to make sure that the drugss/he prescribes are used for valid medical purposes. Failing to doso can cause the doctor to lose his license to practice, cost himfinancial penalties, and may even lead to jail terms. Doctors mayrefuse to prescribe certain drugs if they think that the patient islikely to abuse those drugs, though they have a responsibility tomake sure that the patient has sufficient care through the use ofequivalent medicines. Doctors may also refuse to prescribe a drugif they are concerned about possible interactions with illegaldrugs - street drugs combined with prescribed drugs can produceunfortunate side effects, up to and including death.

Doctors are (within limits) obligated not to report youto the police or authorities if they discover that you've usedillegal drugs (patient confidentiality), so it is safe to tell yourdoctor if you've been indulging. Plus it's a good idea: it willhelp the doctor diagnose your current condition, and make sure thats/he doesn't prescribe something that (when mixed with yourrecreational drugs) will destroy your liver, kidneys, or otherorgans.

Are tranquilizers illegal to use on humans?

Tranquilliser drugs are illegal to use IF they have been prescribed for someone ELSE. However, if they are prescribed for you by a PROFFESSIONAL (GP, doctor etc.) they are not illegal as long as you use them as INSTRUCTED.

Why do teenage drug use exist?

Teenage drug use exists because drugs exist. The easiest drugs for teenagers to get is illegal drugs. This is because if teenagers want to get alcohol or cigarettes they need to find someone to get them the alcohol or cigarettes, but illegal drugs you just need to find a dealer and they just want the money and you can get the drugs.

Why people shouldn't use drugs?

You should use drugs that are medically prescribed by a doctor - you shouldn't do drugs casuse its very harmful you could probably die Illegal drugs - 'Because they are bad for your body.' It is not o.k for children to smoke.

Who is not at risk for legal penalties related to the use of illegal drugs?

People who do not use drugs are not at risk for legal penalties related to the use of illegal drugs.

Can a Muslim use illegal drugs?

If the drugs are illegal then nobody should use them. The persons religion makes no difference.

What does illegal drugs mean?

Illegal drugs mean drugs which is not accepted or it's against the law to use them

Do friends influence the use of illegal drugs?

It depends, if the friends use the illegal drugs and/or promote them, then yes. If the friends don't use the drugs and don't promote them, then no.

Should you use drugs if it helps you?

If you are in any situation where you feel like you should be taking illegal drugs then you need to talk to a phycologist. Illegal drugs should never be taken under any cirrcumstances. Don't take any medicine unless perscribed by a doctor.

Can a legal drug become illegal?

It occurs all the time and any drug can be abused. In most cases, drugs that are legal when prescribed by a doctor are illegal if they are obtained through any other means. Yes if people use drugs the wrong way they can become illegal.

Can one use antidepressant drugs during pregnancy?

Talk to your doctor and find out what he/she has to say about this.

How do you use drugs safely?

You use illegal drugs by not using them or you're done for

Why people shouldnt do drugs?

You should use drugs that are medically prescribed by a doctor - if they shouldn't do drugs, they would probably die Illegal drugs - 'Because they are bad for your body.' Although.. it is ok for the U.S. Government to Sale cigarettes to children.

What is the street value of hydromorphone?

WikiAnswers does not provide illegal drug questions. We also will not provide answers for how to overdose, where to find drugs illegally, how much the street value of drugs is, how to create/make drugs, or how to use drugs.

What is the legal use of drugs?

if they are perscribed to you or if they are not illegal where you live

What does it mean if you are a drug user?

How does the use of illegal drugs affect the use of prescribed psychotropic drugs?

Concurrent use of psychotropic drugs and illegal drugs will put the user at a higher risk of having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Or not, just depends. At the very least the user will experience a sense of heightened arousal.

Why are some drugs illegal?

Some drugs are illegal because some drugs can really make you unwell. Some can kill you after the first use. Don't make a bad choice!!

Name the types of nonmedical drugs or illegal drugs?

none of the druds are illegal go ahead and use them drink and drive see what happens to u!!! NO! a list of illegal drugs are below and here they are cocaine, weed, ect.

When did illegal drugs first come about?

Currently illegal drugs have been in use since time began. They were made illegal in the United States in 1912 as a way of regulating Mexican immigrants.

How are drugs destroyed?

Illegal drugs that have been confiscated are burned after their use as evidence has been exhausted.

How many illegal drugs are there?

There are hundreds . Some drugs aren`t considered 'Illegal' , but people use them Illegally , to alter their state of mind . Like horse and Cat Tranquilizer . Of course they aren`t Illegal , but it is illegal when people use them on themselves for recreational purposes . There are many different drugs , not just the main 'Cocaine , Methamphetamine , Ecstasy , Etc . ' You can use some of the many… Read More

How do you use crack and heroin?

What illegal drugs are used in Jamaica?

How do so many people find illegal drugs when they are secretly hidden?

Most people use the same sort of 'secret' places, so they know from experience where to look. Otherwise, they can use drug sniffing dogs to lead them to the drugs.

What drug use causes red eyes?

Legal or illegal? Illegal drugs could range to a number of differant types of drugs, anything that is inhaled usually.

Why is it illegal to use drugs?

Drugs make people CRAZY Plus, why would you wanna know??? You thinking about it???

Can a landlord terminate lease for illegal drugs use?

Ah, yeah! Your lease does not allow you to do illegal activities.

At what age do people start to do drugs?

Definition of drugs can be anything from legal prescription medically prescribed to illegal drugs. So drugs are used as medications on babies from birth - that's when drug use starts Rephrase your question to ask about illegal drugs for another answer

Is illegal drug use thought to be important?

yes. they have drug rehab centers all over the world for people that use illegal drugs.

Is drugs harm-full if used wrong?

Yes. Illegal drugs are harmful even if you use them 'right.

What drug precedes the use of illegal or illicit drugs?

Alcohol and prescription drugs. Or none at all. Stupid question.

What is illegal driving?

illegal driving is when u take drugs or somthing else that is bad and use it on urself and drive

How do you use the word illegal in a sentence?

Tom's friend planted illegal drugs in his car for him to get caught and sent to jail.

Did Al Capone use any illegal drugs?

Alcohol which was illegal at the time for sure as for others I'm not sure.

Can Your Doctor Report You For Drug Use Pdf

What is the difference between legal and illegal drugs?

You have a asked a question that has a multi-faceted answer. Generally, prescription 'drugs' are controlled substances. Their use, production, distribution and possession are all controlled by law. A prescription from a licensed doctor makes a controlled substance legal. The difference depends on such factors as how they were produced, distributed and in whose possession they exist. If you obtain powerful painkillers by a prescription written by your doctor. Your drugs are legal. If you… Read More

How do you prevent drugs?

Amsterdam de-criminalized organic drugs and now has a lower useage than the u.s. apparently they have succeded in making weed 'boring' what I'm saying is that you will find a higher percentage of people who don't use it where it is legal, than you will find of people who lie about not using it where it is legal. I'm not saying they don't use in Amsterdam, there are plenty of people who still love their… Read More

What are the Cristian attitudes towards the use of drugs?

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Drug Addiction

Christian attitudes about illegal drugs is most often that illegal drugs should not be used. This is based on scriptures stating that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we should obey laws unless they conflict with scripture. Many, if not most Christians believe in going to a doctor and taking prescription drugs for treatment of disease, though some believe they should be avoided. Some believe that God is able to… Read More

Why people use a illegal drugs?

People mainly start using illegal drugs because the drugs give them a feeling of great pleasure, euphoria. Then, after using them for a while their bodies become addicted to them and the must take the drugs to avoid the discomfort that comes from withdrawing from them.

Did Salvador Dali ever use drugs to find inspiration for his paintings?

Why is it so easy to get illegal drugs?

Because the drugs people use bring them down to reality and it makes them smarter than someone who is trying to catch the person who is getting the illegal drug.

Who are the user's of illegal drugs in the US?

No offense but this is a dumb question. So many people use illegal drugs. Your best friend could be using them, your boss, your neighbot, you never know.

Has Vanessa Hudgens ever been reported to use illegal drugs?

Why drug should be illegal in sport?

it's unfair to those who don't use illegal drugs, like tom jones.

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Can Your Doctor Report You For Drug Use Video

Does Barack Obama use illegal drugs?

President Obama himself has admitted that he had used the illegal drugs of cocaine and marijuana and he said that he considered using heroin as well. There is a wealth of information on the subject of Obama's drug use on the internet.

What are the drugs used?

The drugs used to treat a condition are those prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) who has examined a patient and diagnosed what is wrong. However. some criminals also manufacture and sell addictive and illegal drugs that they sell to foolish people on the streets in order to try and make them drug addicts. These drug addicts are said to 'use drugs'.

Is it illegal to have drugs in your system?

Only if you used the drugs to get them there. Doing drugs is illegal. Sorry to break it to you. Actually, just having them in your system is not necessarily illegal. It is the manufacture, sale, purchase, transport, possession, and use that are illegal. If you just have them in your system and there is no other evidence, there is little they can do. However, if you are visibly high in public, driving or operating… Read More

Uses illegal drugs eats then hiccups is this related to drug use?

Are illegal drugs allowed in New Zealand?

This type of question is called an oxymoron, or at least a self-contradictory sentence. Illegal drugs means that certain drugs are not legal, therefore not allowed. Although it is against the law, people use them, but no they are not allowed. New Zealand has very strict controls to prevent illegal drugs being brought into the country.

Why shouldn't you use illegal drugs?

All drugs, both legal and illegal, have a negativeside affect to them, and though this can be as small as a cough, it can also be as great as death. On top of that, theyare illegal, meaning if you can get into a great deal of trouble if you are in any way affiliated with them.

What diseases are caused by the use of illegal drugs?

There are a lot of diseases that can be caused by illegal drugs. Most of them are many types of cancers. Some of them are Heart diseases. Basiclly, there are many effects by illegal drugs. But if you were asking what is the most dangerous illegal drug or drugs, I would say they are all very dangerous, but the one illegal drug that most people don't know about is inhalants. They are easy to abuse… Read More