How To Boot From Usb Acer

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Acer computers use a hidden partition on the hard drive to house the Acer system recovery program. You can use this recovery program to create recovery discs for your computer or for applications and drivers. It can also recover or reinstall the operating system directly from the hard drive, restoring your Acer system to its out-of-the-box condition. Booting from the hidden recovery partition on your Acer computer is easy, and only takes a few minutes.

  1. How To Boot From Usb Acer Spin 1

When you boot from a USB device, what you're actually doing is running your computer with the operating system that's installed on the USB device. When you start your computer normally, you're running it with the operating system installed on your internal hard drive — Windows, Linux, etc. How to Make an Acer Laptop Boot From CD Restart or turn on the Acer laptop. Press 'Ctrl-Alt-Del' to restart the laptop if the setup program fails to load. Use the directional pad to select the 'Boot' tab. Press 'F6' until the disc drive is the first device in the list. Scroll to 'Exit Saving. After setting a password, you can change the boot order in the corresponding tab (BOOT). It’s very easy boot from usb on Acer Aspire E15. Now you can install an operating system or boot your laptop from an external hard drive! DISCLAIMER: Geek’s Lab will not be held responsible for any damage caused by uncorrect use of the guide.

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Step 1

Step 2

Press the 'Alt' and 'F10' keys together repeatedly when the Acer logo appears on the screen. Rather than booting to Windows, your computer will boot from the hidden partition on the hard drive that contains the Acer recovery program. If a Windows screen does appear, press 'Enter.'

Use the Acer recovery program to reinstall or recover the Windows operating system, reinstall the drivers and applications that came with your computer or create a factory recovery disc or a drivers and applications disc.


  • Back up your personal data to external media before using the recovery program.
  • You will need to reinstall all your applications after reinstalling the operating system.

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I have an Acer Aspire Switch 10 and I want to boot with a USB stick or a DVD-reader. Hawk freedom squadron mod apk 2019.

I only can boot with a Windows 8 instal disk in it, having an EFI file on the DVD. With a recover USB stick (made under Windows 8) it works also ok. If I try with another EFI file it won't work. I think it must be an specific Acer or Microsoft EFI file. And I don't know how to make or edit it.

It won't work means for me when you boot from a USB stick or DVD it is not visible in the boot menu. I have a stick with YUMI on it and it works on all my other PC's. I want to do a virus scan undependable of its own windows and I want to make an image of the system as it is now.

I tried several ways of installing the EFI BIOS but I can't get it working.

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How To Boot From Usb Acer Spin 1

4 Answers

The secret to getting Windows 10 on this device is to boot with an OTG USB adapter. USB from the keyboard doesn't work. I pulled my hair out for quite a while before I tried an OTG micro USB adapter directly in the tablet and not standard USB in the keyboard port. Still need to use RUFUS to create a GPT patirion scheme for UEFI computer, formatted for FAT32 along with a 32-bit version of Windows 10.

John StilesJohn Stiles

I managed to boot the Windows 10 USB image by pressing F2 repeatedly while the BIOS screen appears and set the boot device to the USB device.

  1. Go to BIOS settings with F2
  2. Add the .efi file to the trusted UEFI files by selecting it and naming the option to whatever you want.
  3. Enable F12 boot menu.
  4. Exit saving changes.
  5. Tap F12 until you get boot menu.
  6. You will see your boot option there.

Please look for the spots I mentioned. I only jumped true and gave pointers, and yes it works for the Aspire Switch 10 E too.

UsbJakeGouldHow To Boot From Usb Acer
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Damian WetermanDamian Weterman

UEFI is a more secure replacement for BIOS; see It is so secure that it prevents booting from media with an incorrect 'signature', but can be adjusted to turn off security features so that you can boot from legacy media.

If you wish to use the legacy boot media you have, see Acer's directions for that at There's more information at and

However, you can generate UEFI-compatible media with some utilities, such as Macrium Reflect Free,, and Kaspersky Lab advertises the 'World’s First Anti-Malware Product for UEFI',

Please let me know if this resolves the issue.

DrMoishe PippikDrMoishe Pippik
11k3 gold badges15 silver badges32 bronze badges

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