Mount And Blade Warband Border Incident

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Have t o find an usurper from that nation, they are usually found in nations main town in the castle. Talk to them and say you want to join their cause, it makes you the marshal of that empire with the usurper as king/ queen. For Mount & Blade: Warband on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Border Incident?' Mount & Blade: Warband General Discussions Topic Details. Hey I love You♥ Mr.Brightside. Feb 24, 2014 @ 7:46pm How do you overthrow a king? Im lazy and i don twanna take over with my own banner i kinda wanna take the sand sultan guys. Does anyone know how u can over throw a king?

  1. Mount And Blade War Band Wiki

Hello, you dogs!

I started playing a Native companions only challenge this week when I realized I always field 100 Swadian Knights and wanted to shake it up. After about 220 days in game, I've managed to capture Wercheg, Rivacheg, and three castles in between for a nice little coastal kingdom. I figured I'd share my advice for others since it's actually pretty fun this way.

  1. Morningstars and long arming swords are the best one handers in my experience and I equipped all of my companions this way. Yes, this is what the Swad Knights use, but the other one handers are mostly shorter and seemed to get swung over the enemies' heads a lot more often.

  2. All companions save Ymira are specced for one handed weapons and shields. The shield skill definitely helps. She was specced for bow and this was a mistake, she should have been one handed, too. The issue with bow is the companions suck without Horse Archery, which means pumping both STR and DEX. It just doesn't seem to be worth it so far. I'd be curious to hear from someone who did an archer focused company.

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  3. I also got almost everyone's riding skill to 4. Armored horses REALLY helped. By the end of the game only one companion won't be setup this way and that was a mistake, if I ever restart I'll get everyone to 4 Riding.

  4. Even in the low teens my companions were awful. I almost quit at this point, but between the morningstars, armored horses, and a few more levels everyone started doing a lot better. Levels 14-21 have been super fast as my companions just stomp people now. I can fight a lord with 80 or 90 troops and expect only 1 or 2 people to get knocked out now, sometimes no one does.

  5. Finally, me. 10 Power Strike, 10 Power Draw, 10 Iron Flesh. Up to 6 Horse Archery and 6 Shield now as well. I can solo castles and towns at this point by being cheesy if I want. It's crazy one shotting people even with their shield up. I also use a morningstar and a shield like my companions, and a masterwork war bow.

Mount and blade warband border incident download

I really don't utilize too many tactics. I force my companions to stand back when sieging so they can carry me out. The biggest problem for me are the wait times on siege towers. I frequently have to kite and pay close attention as I haven't successfully soloed the bigger 150+ parties yet.

OH, one last thing. I load the castles and towns up with troops to pull this off without vassals. The cities both have like 700+ troops and the castles are sitting at about 400 each. I've yet to actually get into a defensive siege battle. It helps that I only started wars with people who were already warring. When I moved in on the Vaegir territory they were fighting the Nords and Swadia had a border incident with them already, so they went to war shortly after.

Mount And Blade War Band Wiki

Anyways, that's enough for now. Any specific questions, feel free to ask.

Submitted May 14, 2019 at 09:44AM by leethobbit

v. 1.168


This is just a patch for Viking Conquest and shouldn't affect anything in Native.

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