Download Halo 3 Map

Posted on by admin
Posted by2 years ago

Archive of our community Halo 3 forge maps. Halo 3 Competitive Maps Browse and share competitive maps. Submissions include maps usually seen in matchmaking or at gaming tournaments. Typical gametypes: Swat, Slayer, Objective. 7,689 114,383. Latest: Anarchy MultiLockOn, Dec 13, 2017. It is currently unknown when it will be free for download, due to the Halo 3 DLC, the Mythic Map Pack that was released on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace as well as. Halo 3 players can mod game maps to make stale game content newer or to revise older content. The obstacles a person must overcome before making maps including finding the software, learning how to use the software, and getting the new maps they create to other Halo 3 players. The last obstacle is the most important.

Want to play duck hunt or fat kid in 2017? Lock pick code skyrim. Here's how - You can still use the archived version of called to find the content you're looking for.

Just type in whatever you're looking for and hit submit.

Now here's the part that requires a little bit of luck. Since no longer supports the action of downloading maps directly from the website (site stopped updating in 2012), you'll need to send a friend request to the person who had the map in their fileshare and pray it's still there.

If the person's friends list is full, you can send them a private chat invite and click on their name as another way to get to their gamercard.

If you're just looking for the MLG gametypes, the gamertag 'MLG Gametypes' should have all of the v8 settings in their fileshare.

(As a side note, the forge hub Halo 3 archive is another nice place to look for maps)

I realize how small the 360 community is, but part of the reason I'm making this post is with the hope that Halo 3 becomes backwards compatible for its 10th anniversary.

If you find what you're looking for, please leave a comment linking to the map and gametype and I'll make a table here to make things easier to find.


I would ask of you to be more specific, but since its notpossible to change your answer, I'll say both.

To get Forge maps, make an account at (Idid not need to copy and paste :-P) and download directly to yourXBox360, then start a local game and it should say DownloadComplete.

To get map packs, go to the market place, look for the tab thatsays 'Map Packs' and find the Halo 3 Map Pack you want, then itshould download, and then you'll have the maps in Halo 3.

When are new maps coming out for Halo 3 after mythic?

play sonic in halo just download and the maps change

How do you retrieve maps in Halo 3?

When on Halo 3 in Pre Game lobby you press start and chose Xbox Marketplace. From there you can download the maps and other Halo 3 content.

Can you play all the maps on Halo 3 without playing campaign?

yes and no. You can play all the maps in the halo 3, but you have to download the rest.

How can you download Halo 3 forge maps etc onto halo reach?

How do you get Halo 3 mythic maps without the internet?

You have to have Xbox live, and you download the maps.

You cant download maps on Halo 3?

How do you download halo 4 forge maps from waypoint?

To download Halo 4 Forge Maps from waypoint you have to first go to Halo waypoint and find a gamers gametag. From there click on files and you should be able to download the maps.

Can you download Halo 3 maps on a USB flashdrive?

-sorry, you have to do it on your xbox-360 Real Answer! - Yes you can, you just how to find a website that you can download halo 3 maps on your computer and store on your flashdrive and copy it onto your xbox HDD.

Are the halo 3 maps only available through download?

How do you add maps to Halo 3?

What you have to do is for the Xbox 360 you have to connect to Xbox Live then you have to get Microsoft points and download the maps but most of the maps are free.

Which maps do you need to download to do big team social on halo 3?

Do you start with all the maps on Halo 3 without playing campaign?

How do you download halo 3 maps without xbox live marketplace?

How do you get maps onto Halo 3 matchmakeing?

Halo 3 Mlg Maps Download

You must go to the XBOX LIVE Marketplace for Halo 3 and download the maps and map packs. But some will cost you with Microsoft points. Or you could buy Halo 3 Odst which comes with a disc that is specific for online, custom games, and forge with ALL the Maps.

How do you download halo 3 forge maps custom game types etc after 343 industries took over?

To download Halo 3 Forger maps and custom game types, now that 343 Industries has taken over, you have to go through the sandbox.

Sure cuts a lot 5 download

How do you download halo reach map packs to anniversary?

You can download Anniversary Maps to Halo: Reach but not to Anniversary.

How do you get new halo3 maps?

You get on Xbox Live then press start in Halo 3. You should see Marketplace. Look in Marketplace and pick which maps you want to download. Then download them.

Why do you download and install Halo Custom Edition maps?

I think you should ask why was halo custom edition created because the reason people download the maps is because they can have fun on halo with other people across the world. halo custom edition was created for that purpose and it only plays maps that you download not the normall halo. your asking why do you it is more like your asking why do I.

How can you download halo maps to your x-box 360 from

on bungie, when you find the map you want, que it for download and when you next log onto halo 3 xbox live on your 360 it will automatically download.

Why can't i see the maps i downloaded for halo 3?

Do you need a hard drive to download halo maps off of halo reach?

Download Halo 3 Maps

Which maps are needed to download on Halo 3?

you need to download the heroic map pack with 3 maps..... foundry, rats nest, and standoff and there is the legendary map pack with 3 maps also.....avalanche, ghost town and blackout and the new mythic map pack with 3 maps.....orbital,sandbox and assembelly*

How do you put maps in halo custom edition?

When you download maps, put them in your map folder

Where can you download aim-bot for Halo 3?

Aimbots do not exist for Halo 3. There are mods for maps though. If you put mods on your file share, it is possible you will be banned though.

How do you download halo forge maps in halo 4?

First, You go to the menu then find file browser. you can search maps from there.Second, there is no second

Haw to make moded maps in Halo 3?

How do you get Halo 3 maps?

easiest way is to download them through xbox live or get a bonus map pack in stores


How To Download Halo 3 Maps From

How do you get free halo 3 maps?

By getting halo 3 odst ( two discs ) first disc halo 3 odst campaign and 2nd disc halo 3 mythic comes with all the halo 3 maps.

Can you download the halo ce maps to halo reach?

as part of the release of Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary a few maps for matchmaking were released for Halo Reach I think the dlc is about 1200 Microsoft points

Halo do you download halo mapping tools?

You can't make custom maps for Halo: Combat Evolved on the Xbox without mods. but the download for Halo Mapping Tools 3.5 for editing Halo:Combat Evolved for the PC at

Can you download huge maps for Halo Trial?

No you can't download huge maps for the halo trial. The maps that are on there are all there is. Even if you could, you would have to buy the full version of Halo to make it work. However there are map conversions of Halo CE Maps and also even the silent Carthographer Map (The island) for Halo Trial. I can give you the download link for the map but not for the others as… Read More

How do you download Halo Combat Evolved for windows?

Download Halo 3 Map

well, at halo you can get halo custom edition for free. it's the same thing, but without campaign mode. if that bothers you, then download a campaign pack for hce. i have the cmt halo 3 campaign, although there are heaps. plus, you can get custom maps for it.

How do you download halo ce maps on halo ce?

Go on youtube or Google and look for videos showing you how to.

How do you play Mythic Maps in halo wars?

You can't. The Mythic Maps our only playable on Halo 3, not Halo Wars.

How do you get more maps on Halo 3?

You have to have Xbox Live and then go to the marketplace and download them some cost points some dont!

How do you download Halo Custom Edition maps?

Where can you download halo reach maps?

What are the Halo 3 mythic maps?

Halo 3 Mythic maps are. Sandbox Orbital Assembly Longshore Heretic Citadel

How do you play maps you download from Halo Custom Edition?

ok well first you download the map you like Go to the downloads folder and with your map right click and choose 'cut' go to the maps folder in halo ce and paste go INTO the map and copy the into the maps folder. GO PLAY HALO!

How do you buy halo3 maps with market place points?

Go to the game marketplace. And then select Halo 3 from the list of games. This should take you to a screen of all the Halo 3 items available for download. Find the map pack that you want to download, and then buy it.

Where can you find a Halo 3 mod for halo trial?

There is no Halo 3 mod for Halo Trial. Halo Trial is one of the hardest versions of Halo to mod. There are however, custom maps for Halo Custom Edition. To get Halo Custom Edition, you need to have Halo: Combat Evolved installed on your PC, you also need your CD key. You can download Halo: Custom Edition free.

How can i play halo 3 maps that i download. i cant seem to find them?

Check the market place, make sure they are not qued.

Can you save halo 3 maps on to you hard drive?

Yes, if you download them from other people's file shares or create one of your own.

How do you play the legendary maps on Halo 3?

Download it which does cost ms points, and wait till it's downloaded and there ya go

Where are the maps after you download them in Halo 3?

They are saved on your console, which means you can play them in Custom Game, or Forge. Thanks, Hope it helped, Kruh.

How do you download mods on Halo 3?

If you have Xbox live. Maps on halo 3 for mods. go to, make a profile with your gammertag and look for the mods under community. just simply type in mods under the map seciton. it will automatically download to your 360 if you click download on it. I recommend planet mod.

Where download Halo 3?

Does Halo 3 have the same multiplayer maps in Halo 3 odst?

No, Halo: ODST has a couple more. By the way, it's not Halo 3 ODST.

You Download a map for Halo 2 Vista but where do you put it?

C:/Users/(your name)/My Documents/My Games/Halo 2/Maps

Will you be able to make physical maps in halo reach?

i do belive there will be a forge to make maps like Halo 3 did.