Nexus Dragon Age Inquisition

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Whew, I just finished my first playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition! I did a fairly thorough and complete run at just under 35 hours (not including my hour on the character creation screen alone, ha!), despite Bioware’s claim of it being a 100 hour game. The only way it could have been a 100 hour game is if I 1) turned on nightmare mode, 2) did every repetitive side quest (hello, collecting Shards, anyone?), and 3) turned off subtitles and listened to all the dialogue instead.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is BioWare's third installment in the Dragon Age video game series, continuing the journey throughout the medieval-themed continent of Thedas, introduced in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. On the evening of May 19, 2011, BioWare Creative Lead Alistair McNally.


Overall, I’d say DA:I is a great game that will be very enjoyable for anyone who likes RPGs. That being said, here are the top 10 mods that we modding folks need to create, stat!

Nexus Dragon Age Inquisition Mods

10. Enhanced Tactics mod

Nexus Mod Dragon Age Inquisition

I wish the combat system were less clunky and boring in DA:I. Tactical view was so irritating for me that I never used it and just hacked and slashed my way through the whole game. In fact, the only reason I ever turned on Tactical View was as a makeshift “flycam” to take screenshots. There should be a mod that expands the tactics that you and your companions can use automatically so that combat isn’t as tedious.

9. Better Hair mod

What is with Bioware spending a bajillion development hours on a great game, great graphics, and great storyline, then only spending 20 minutes on some decent hairs??? The first thing I’m going to do when I figure out how to mod DA:I is make some nice hair styles with textures that aren’t crazy shiny!

8. No Mustache Dorian mod

I know, I love Dorian’s mustache, too! But isn’t anyone at all just a LITTLE BIT CURIOUS what he would look like without his curly upper lip caterpillar? Anyone??? (My theory is that he would look way less hot without his ‘stache, but I need to see it to confirm hehehe).

7. No Hood Leliana mod

Same as above – I just want to see it happen. It’s kind of like in Mass Effect where all I wanted was to see Tali out of her mask because the curiosity was killing me! Except, uh, now it’s the back of Leliana’s head I want to see. I know, I’m weird.

6. Romance Varric mod

Ok, bear with me a moment here – (spoilers ahead) how awesome would a Varric mod be just to see the drama that ensues when his crossbow’s namesake Bianca comes into the picture?! (end spoilers) Anyway, yeah, so the potential romance arc with Varric could be very interesting!

Nexus Dragon Age Inquisition

5. Dress mod for the Masquerade Ball

I was in the military for several years, so I’ve actually been in this situation IRL before. If I’m going to a ball with fantastic, gorgeous dresses everywhere, as a female Inquisitor, I want a dress. I don’t want to wear the same thing as my male date, thanks very much. I want a bedazzled mask and a blingin’ ball gown that says, “I’m a lady … a lady who is going to kick ass and take names.” Is that so much to ask?

4. Free Love mod

I’m a fan of removing all race/gender restrictions from romances in Bioware games. I don’t see anything wrong with guys being able to romance Cullen or girls being able to romance Dorian, particularly since mods only affect an individual player’s game and not everyone’s games. Oh, and it’s also imaginary, so everyone who makes a big stink about this mod (whether you’re a dudebro or a social justice warrior) can bugger off my blog, yeah? Make this happen, modders!

3. Realistic remains mod

Ok, did no one else notice that every time you killed an animal or demon, no matter what the size of the creature, the skeleton rib cage left behind was always the same? Like, kill a nug, get a giant ribcage. Kill a giant, get a giant ribcage. It just … didn’t make sense. I’d love to see some unique skeletons and skulls left behind!

2. Armory mod for Skyhold


I kept running into the same problem of picking up cool unique weapons, leveling up past their usefulness, and not wanting to get rid of them because of their uniqueness. I wish there was an armory where I could display my favorite inventory items because it’s such a waste to sell or destroy the uniques!

1. Auto-Loot mod

OMG, please just someone make an auto-loot mod. I can’t tell you how many times I picked up Elfroot over and over again and thought how tedious and annoying it was to not be able to grab everything in my vicinity at once. This is my number one must have mod above all others!

Anyway, those are the mods I would love to see happen. Who knows, maybe I’ll even be able to release a few mods myself! If any of my readers know any other game modders, pass this along … I hope the DA:I modding community outgrows the Skyrim one someday!

Got any mod ideas you want to share? Let me know in comments!