Windows 10 Command Prompt Appears Then Disappears

Posted on by admin

I think basically I said it all in my Title. I've had Windows 10 for quite some time now.and when I first installed it.Edge worked fine! Edge worked for months! And then just out of the stopped! I click on Edge to open starts to open, but then just suddenly crashes and disappears! Instant Closure! Just goes away! Jul 9, 2018 - If you are a Windows 10 user then you might notice the command prompt. The pop up will disappear within a second and you most likely won't be. And, if the command prompt appears during your gaming session then it.

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I encountered this problem after following a python tutorial on Youtube about creating text files. The instructor had us type in the following code to start:

We had created a folder on the desktop to store the file 'ham' in. But when I double clicked on 'ham' the command prompt window popped on then in a flash it popped off. I am an obvious beginner and I don't know what is going on. Can anyone explain this to me?


Reinstall Windows From Command Prompt

1 Answer

You can open command prompt then navigate to python interpreterdirectory and run your program by typing python /diretory/to/your/ forexample if you have a program named in the directory c:/python and you want to run it and you have python interpreter installed in C:/python2.x/ directorythen you should open command prompt and type in cd c:python2.xthen you should type python c:/python/
and perfectly it will workshowing you your program output .

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