Please Confirm That You Will Be Able To Attend

Posted on by admin
Iamonlysorry thatIwill not be abletoattendthe forum on [..]
8 and 9 February, but I am on a troika visit on those two days.
Sólo lamento que no podré asistir al foro los días 8 y 9 de febrero, [..]
porque tomaré parte en una visita de la Troika durante esos dos días.
Iam sorryto inform youthatthis officewill not be ableto represent [..]
Nos da pena informarle que nuestra oficina no podrá representarlo en su [..]
Iam sorry thatIwill not be ableto hear them [..]
speak, but in any event I hope to continue the contacts we have established
Me excuso, por tanto, de no poder escuchar su intervención, [..]
pero en cualquier caso espero continuar el contacto que se ha
Iamonlysorry thatIwas not ableto be with him since I was, at the time, seeking to [..] [..]
meeting of the Reconstruction Agency.
Sólo lamento no haber podido acompañarlo porque, en esos días, estaba tratando llegar [..] [..]
de la Agencia de Reconstrucción.
Iamreallysorry thattheattendance was notwhat we wish itwouldbe.
Siento muchísimo que la asistencia no haya sido la deseada.
The current policyis thatapublic health facilitywill not attendto a child under the age of 16 without parental consent, but many teenagers areableto access private [..]
La política actual de los servicios públicos de salud es no atender a menores de 16 años sin consentimiento de sus padres, pero muchos adolescentes pueden tener [..]
sessions for other young
[..] delegates whowill be attendingthe formal meeting but havenot been abletoattendthe preparatory event.
Considerar sostener reuniones orientadoras más breves y
[..] [..] jóvenes delegados que asistirán a la reunión formal pero que no hayan podido asistir al evento preparatorio.
Iam sorryto saythatthis daywill bewritten in the history of the Slovak Republic with the blood of the children who willnotget the chance [..]
Lamento decir que este día se escribirá en la historia de la República Eslovaca con la sangre de los niños que no tendrán la oportunidad de nacer [..]
Iam sorry that noteveryonewas ableto adopt the same [..]
Siento que todo el mundo no haya podido adoptar la misma [..]
Iamverysorry thatyou havenot been ableto answer a question that [..]
has been put to you at least three times by people
here tonight about when we might expect that proposal.
Siento mucho que no haya podido responder a una pregunta que le han formulado [..]
al menos tres veces esta tarde sobre cuándo podemos esperar la propuesta.
Iam sorry,Mr Staes, but itwill not beme who presentsthatproposal.
Lo siento, Señoría, pero desde luego no seré yo quien presente esa propuesta.
Mr President, I tooam sorry thatthe votewill notnowbetaking place.
[..] Presidente, yo también lamento que la votación no se celebre ahora.
(IT) I amsorry thatIam not ableto give a precise answer.
(IT) Lamento no poder dar una respuesta precisa.
However, theywould not be abletoattendany discussions [..]
Sin embargo, no podrían asistir a ningún debate que se [..]
You maybe ableto requestthatyouattendthe court hearing by telephone rather than in person, so that you donotneed to return [..]
Es posible que pueda solicitar que su audiencia de corte se realice vía telefónica en lugar de asistir en persona, para que no necesite [..]
Iam sorry:therewill not beaPresident of [..]
Lo siento, pero no habun «Presidente de [..]
Iam sorrywewill not beseeing quite so [..]
much of her, but this report shows her commitment to this area.
Lamento que no la vayamos a ver a menudo, [..]
pero este informe pone de manifiesto su compromiso en esta área.
Iam sorry thatParliamentwill bepressed for time this year in [..]
order to give its opinion on the employment package.
Lamento que el Parlamento ande escaso de tiempo este año para dar [..]
Iam sorry thatwe werenotallableto advance together at Maastricht.
Lamento que en Maastricht no pudiéramos avanzar todos juntos.
I hope that Mr Prodiwillsay:Iam sorry, Iwas notawarethatmy officials were doing the opposite of what I [..]
[..] Sr. Prodi diga: 'Discúlpenme, no me di cuenta de que mis servicios hicieron lo contrario de lo que había prometido.
Iamdelighted to say that Mr Cox is hosting a reception tomorrow evening for Members of Parliament and I hope that Mr Titley, among his other invitations for this week,willfind the opportunity toattend thatreceptionbeingoffered by the [..]
[..] anunciar que el Sr. Cox ofrecerá una recepción mañana por la tarde a los diputados del Parlamento y espero que el Sr. Titley, entre sus otras invitaciones de esta semana, encuentre un hueco para asistir a la recepción ofrecida por el Presidente.
[..] disappointedthatin the next parliamentary term wewill not, Iam sorryto say, have [..]
your tenacity and constancy
También lamento que en la próxima legislatura no podamos contar, siento decirlo, con su [..] [..]
los temas que siguen abiertos.
Iam sorry thatthe Luxembourg presidencywill beconnected with [..]
Lamento que se relacione a la Presidencia luxemburguesa con el fracaso [..]
[..] of the staffwillalsobe abletoattendthe meetings.
También podrán asistir a las reuniones representantes del [..]
Without the support of the Samuel Foundation, most of the
[..] [..] Samuel Foundationwould not be abletoattendelementary school, [..]
let alone a secondary school.
la mayoría de los niños y jóvenes
[..] que nosotros apoyamos no le sería posible ir a la escuela [..]
The surgeonsthat will attendyour needs have broad experience and theywill be ableto make a detailed [..]
Médicos cirujanos de amplia trayectoria atenderán tu necesidad, luego de una detallada evaluación [..]
Regarding the decision of the Indictment Division,
[..] counsel highlightsthatthe authorwas not abletoattendthe hearing as [..] [..]
on the day it took place (13 May 2003), nor did she receive notice of its decision of 13 May 2003.
de acusación, el letrado destaca
[..] que la autora no pudo asistir a la vista ya que fue notificada de [..] [..]
verificativo (el 13 de mayo de 2003), como tampoco se le notificó su decisión de 13 de mayo de 2003.
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted
[..] [..] November and I amsorryIam not ableto present a first-reading agreement today, but I believethat ispartly because the Council has been rather slow, but also because it does not appearwillingto respond with [..]
a real movement towards
La Comisión de Libertades Civiles, Justicia y Asuntos de Interior adoptó mi informe
[..] [..] noviembre y lamento que hoy no pueda presentarme ante ustedes con un acuerdo en primera lectura, algo que achaco, en parte, a la lentitud del Consejo, pero también a que no parece dispuesto a dar una verdadera [..]
respuesta a los puntos que estamos abordando.
  1. Please Confirm That You Will Be Able To Attend A Party
  2. Please Confirm That You Will Attend
Please Confirm That You Will Be Able To Attend

Please Confirm That You Will Be Able To Attend A Party

Please let me know if you will be able to attend. I’m writing to invite you to. Would you like to come to.? Please let me know if you can make it. Prepare Before the meeting it would be useful if you could prepare. It would be helpful if you could bring. Please prepare. Before the meeting. Please bring to the meeting. Unless you have something serious in addition to fever, you should have attended the interview. It would have shown your commitment and determination to not be beaten by small illnesses. I once applied for a small job of a clerk in an insurance company. On the day of the interview, I got 102 degree fever. I still went.

Please Confirm That You Will Attend

Friday shifts begin at 10:15pm and go to 7:15am on Saturday. Saturday shifts begin at 7:15am on Saturday and go to 7:15am on Sunday. Sunday shifts begin at 7:15am and go to 10am.

For a full list of changes and new features, see.In this article I will show you how to install Dolphin-Emu 4.0 on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail, Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal, Linux Mint 16 Petra, Linux Mint 15 Olivia, Linux Mint 14 Nadia, Pear OS 8 and Pear OS 7.Because it is available via PPA, installing Dolphin-Emu 4.0 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Pear OS is easy. Among others, it comes with beta support for the Wii official online multiplayer, alpha support for ARM and Android and more than 2500 changes and improvements, since Dolphin Emulator 3.50. 4.0 Being an open-source project, it may be improved by third party developers.The latest version available is Dolphin Emulator 4.0, which has been released a while ago. All you have to do is add the ppa to your system, update the local repository index and install the dolphin-emu package.