Oradcle Explorer W Default Solaris

Posted on by admin

I am using Solaris, and I want to test if the I can use the X server after setting the DISPLAY environment variable.

  1. Oradcle Explorer W Default Solaris Settings

What is a good X application I can use to test the X server on Solaris? Ask Question 7. Whether they're installed by default or not depends on whether you used the text or gui installer. – alanc Nov 17 '11 at 23:23. I failed to mention that I was using Oracle Solaris 11. In this release, none of these come installed by default. Bit new to Solaris. Recently I am trying to install the Oracle Explorer on Fresh Solaris 11 (T4-1 SPARC) system, using the steps mentioned in.

On Linux, I usually use xeyes, xclock or xterm. But none of these seem to available on Solaris.

Note that I am using the GA release of Oracle Solaris 11.

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5 Answers

I am sorry, I failed to mention that I was using Oracle Solaris 11.

In this release, none of these come installed by default (used the text installer). You have to install them using the package manager. To find which package contains the application you want use pkg search:

I used the compatibility/packages/SUNWxwplt package and it installed xterm and xeyes to /usr/bin.

5033 gold badges8 silver badges17 bronze badges

I found this over at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/637005/x-server-running (in response to a somewhat misleadingly worded question).

  • quick
  • usable in scripts
  • quiet if OK; diagnostic for problem on stderr

You may want to expand your environment variable PATH to directory /usr/openwin/bin:

That's (for historic reasons) where X11 applications reside on Solaris. There you may find xterm, xclock and many other base clients for X11.


I just use xclock. It's available on Solaris, but in a weird place; you can find it with:

Michael MrozekDefault
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Brian KnoblauchBrian Knoblauch

personally I copy a basic Graphic application in Java, like this one http://beginwithjava.blogspot.ch/2008/07/very-basic-java-graphics-3-examples.html (BasicFrame.java) , compile it and run it... of course you should have a JDK installed...

Pierluigi VernettoPierluigi Vernetto

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged x11solaris or ask your own question.

I would like to run Sun explorer to capture our Sun Solaris system configurations
for documentation purpose.Oradcle Explorer W Default Solaris
Could you give me a sample command that would capture most of the system's
configurations & where can I find the outputs.
Also, give me another explorer command that will generate an output that Sun
normally require when escalating crash/hardware problems to them.
It's been a while since I do this - at that time, I recall having got to enter my
email address, organization name etc but can I just run it by :

Oradcle Explorer W Default Solaris Settings

cd /opt/SUNWexplo/bin
nohup ./explorer &
Secondly, is Sun explorer installed by default when Solaris 10 is installed -
it's strange that of the 2 newly installed Solaris 10 servers that I have, one
has explorer in it while the other doesn't
(I check by 'pkginfo grep SUNWexpl' which gives SUNWexplo & SUNWexplu
on one server but nothing on the other)
Lastly, would be nice if you can tell me what's the equivalent tool & command
on HP-UX & Redhat Linux
Settings thanks