Fallout 3 Nexus Iron Sights
For Fallout 3 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Best Iron Sights mod? And other mod questions'. MOD OVERVIEWRHIronSights is a comprehensive model, texture, and animation replacement package meant to 'unlock' iron sights aiming in Fallout 3.Being able to look directly down the sights of a gun in-game is very immersive. Unfortunately, though Bethesda put the framework for an iron sights system in place, it wasn't included in the final game.
Fallout 3 Nexus Iron Sights 2
Fallout 3 Reborn Version 5
First up on todays news I'd like to address various complaints about glitches in F3R: V4. Obviously, no software is perfect and ther have been a few problems with V4. Thankfully I can count them on one hand, so its not too major. Any problems people have been having that are actually bugs should be corrected in V5.
However, V5 is going to be something totally new. Don't expect a few bug fixes and a few tweaks. Currently I'm working on making the 'wasteland' more realistic and interesting. After 200 years, radiation would be totally gone, so the only rads will be from certain spots critical to the story and from nuclear weapons. There will be new trees growing, clean water and possibly a sickness system (dysentery and such). However, healing from radiation may be made impossible or very expensive, so it would be in your best interest to avoid it if possible. Also, there will be 'Hardcore' realism elements. Simulated iron-sights, no HUD, no manipulation of time, realistic TOD system, removal of VATS, removal of fast travel and more.
There will also be a simple bug fix and tweaked V5, for those of you who aren't up for the massive changes I'll be introducing, so don't start crying to me if you really liked VATS, because you still have the option to keep it :)
Features for V5:
-A greener world with living trees and no lingering fallout (except in certain quest areas)
-New destruction effects such as being able to shoot a box of ammo with explosive results. Not exactly realistic, but it is very fun and allows for creative traps (mini-nuke + frag mine = awesome)
-A WIP iron-sight system
-A 'super-weapon' weakness system (being able to shoot flamer tanks, destroy minigun's energy source, etc)
-Much more realistic vehicle destruction system (no more nuclear cars that can be set off with a few shots)
-Support for the Point Lookout DLC.
-A tweaked movement system (you move much faster and I'm working on a revamp of the hurfall system). I don't wanna promise anything, but there MAY also be a sprinting system.
-Bullet Casings stay for much longer.
-New bullet casing models.
-Bludgeon people over with blunt weapons.
-A possible weapon-slot system (one sidearm, one type of grenades, one type of main weapon, one melee weapon).
-The dull green-brown sky replaced with a more blue-white colored one.

-New and more realistic ammo types: .22 and .50 caliber ammunition added to all versions.
-Vendors now sell the new ammo types and any weapons from the DLC (if you own any).
-Various inconsistencies fixed (Nuka-Cola Plant changed to Coca-Cola Plant, etc).
-New menu backgrounds (more interesting, in my opinion).
-Level cap raised to 40 (may be removed if it causes anyone trouble).
-Support for 'The Pitt' ammo press (proper ammo names).
-A new gibbing system (high-powered weapons can tear foes apart).
And much more
Skyrim and Oblivion are good games at the core, but what really makes them special is their modability. Our complete Skyrim overhaul changes Bethesda’s landscape into an entirely new, fresh world with 4K resolution textures, new quest content, cities, graphics, and more. And like the others, Bethesda’s open world RPG, Fallout 3, does not disappoint in this area. Despite being released in 2008, Fallout 3 is still one of the best post-apocalyptic games out there, but with mods -- many still being developed -- can renovate FO3 entirely.
And today we are going to show you how to do just that. In this total Fallout 3 2014 graphics & content overhaul, we’ll compile the best Fallout 3 graphics mods, content / quest mods, mechanics overhauls, and more.
Some of these mods improve graphics, add content, change animations, and change mechanics to help create a more balanced, fun, and immersive game. Because Fallout 3 is an older game, it has compatibility issues with Windows 7 and Windows 8. It’ll work fine for some users, but for others, it is a massive issue. If you experience crashes on startup or CTDs during play, please post in the comments and we will do our best to help out!
Fallout 3 isn’t incredibly easy to mod, so this article will be split into six sections: required mods, graphics, content/quests & mechanics, misc. mods, how to install mods, troubleshooting, and tips/conclusion.
Note: Many of these mods require DLC, like Mothership Zeta, Point Lookout, The Pitt, Broken Steel, and Operation: Anchorage.
Required Fallout 3 Mods
FOSE - FOSE, or Fallout Script Extender, expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout 3 and is needed by many mods. It has basically become a requirement to modding. Simply extract FOSE to your Fallout 3 directory (where Fallout3.exe is) to install.
Fallout Stutter Remover - As users mod Fallout 3, they will begin to notice random frame stutters and sometimes crashes due to stutters. This mod reduces/eliminates stutter and stutter-related crashes.
Large Address Aware Enabler - This mod enables Fallout 3 to utilize more memory, which is needed for mods such as texture packs. Fallout 3 has a native memory limit closer to 2GB, similar to Skyrim and Oblivion, and making the game Large Address Aware will resolve this.
CALIBR - CALIBR is a community ammunition library, which attempts to standardize ammo used by different mods.
CRAFT - CRAFT is similar to CALIBR and reworks the way workbenches (used in game to modify and create both weapons and armor) function in order to increase compatibility with mods.
FOIP WMK and FWE - The Fallout 3 interoperability program is a community effort to create patches so popular mods can be compatible; this patch also allows for WMK and another mod (called Fallout Wanders Edition) to be compatible.
Continue on to page 2 (hit ‘next’) for the Fallout 3 graphics realism overhaul!